Singing Sands Beach

Singing Sands Beach
Long Island, Maine

Saturday, February 27, 2010

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To the left is a view from the living room toward the kitchen (which you can't see). Above is pictured the rocks just below the cabin-at sunrise. Scrambling around the rocks brings you to the boundary of the Burke property, and just there is Bob's Cove, which belongs to a neighbor. Bob's Cove is seaweedy, but tends to have slightly warmer swimming water, since the cove has a slow shallow incline: As the tide returns, the water is warmed by the heated sands. About half-way between Singing Sands Beach and Bob's Cove, on Burke property, there's a fine patch of high-bush blueberries growing beyond a nice ledge--ie with a fantastic view.

Bob's Cove is pictured below. The edge of the tall pines marks the beginning of the border between our property and the neighbor's. That border line is a tad odd... as many of the border lines on the island are.

This is Stanley MacVane, a lobster man who lives on the island. Both Andrew and Elizabeth have worked on his boat as sternmen. John hasn't--couldn't stand the hard work, we suspect! When we want lobsters for dinner, this is who we call. His father and Stanley's son are also lobstermen on the island. In fact, the whole MacVane tribe lobsters.

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