Singing Sands Beach

Singing Sands Beach
Long Island, Maine

Friday, July 5, 2013

Obituary: L. Morrill Burke, February 12, 2013, and what he did at Singing Sands, Long Island, ME

Some pictures of what my father built at Singing Sands Beach and also his property behind the beach.

This is the earliest known photograph of the cabin my father built at Singing Sands Beach, Shark Cove, Long Island, ME. The white door to the leftish of the image still remains. The cabin has been extensively changed over the years. The original "army" barracks windows my father put into the window openings years ago rotted and new windows have been installed. The area to the left of the white door was significantly expanded around 1986, and the wood cook stove I grew up with has been removed and replaced with a gas stove.

The beach, as it has always been, if without the flocks of the Piping Plover. I suspect that when the small red fox hit the island, they made it impossible for the Piping Plover to successfully breed in the dunes; the foxes, who often dig dens in the dunes, would have raided the ground nests.

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